Located at
Galerie im Deutschordensschloss
Deutschherrenstr. 18
97697 Münnerstadt
5.6 – 3.7.2021
Photographed by
Frank Möllenberg
gefördert von
Stiftung Kunstfonds
For Susanne Britz the various media are like different aggregate states of a work. In her artistic process, which passes through installative-three-dimensional, photographic-two-dimensional as well as digital-drawing stages, multi-layered surreal and transformative images and objects emerge.
These are an expression of our contemporary multi-layered reality of life, in which everyday worlds defined by consumption, work, sports, and play intersect with artificial laboratory worlds. Thus, the hybridization of our everyday life entails the hybridization of objects of art, which Britz attempts to recreate in an artistic laboratory.
Transitions also occur quite literally when the actors in Britz’s photographs, which she dubs Raumgänger, make an intra-image transition. Rainer Hoffmann speaks here of passages that become imaginative and open spaces of action, which symbolize movement and whose actions culminate in a theatrical and sometimes absurd scenario.
Those who move between the four rooms of the exhibition proactively create transitions themselves by relating to the works and seeking the common thread between them. But beware, the ambiguity inherent in Britz’s work itself creates ambiguous readings and refuses to be interpreted too clearly. The works bear witness to the fact that things cannot be right if there is only one absolute truth.
Exhibition text